Excursion to JINR on the Russian studentship day
News, 26 January 2017
On the Russian studentship day, 25 January 2017, a group of school students from Moscow school No. 825 arrived at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, where they visited the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR, the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, and the University Centre.
Museum staff members A.Zlotnikova and K.Kozubsky showed the students the museum halls, presented the video dedicated to the 60th anniversary of JINR, delivered an introductory lecture on the JINR history and main fields of research, and on the latest discoveries by Dubna scientists.
FLNR senior researcher A.Artyukh and engineer V.Semin showed the IC-100 and MT-25 accelerators to the students.
Head of the JINR UC Interschool Physics and Mathematics Open Classroom I.Lomachenkov together with his assistant D.Kozhevnikov prepared a number of laboratory works on mechanics and kinematics for the school students.