Conference of the RAS Section in Dubna
News, 13 March 2019
On 14 March 2019, a session-conference of the Nuclear Physics Section of the Physical Sciences Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences dedicated to scientific-technological and industrial cooperation in the fields of development and creation of the mega-science research infrastructure in the territory of the Russian Federation.
Previous conferences of the Section on this issue were held in Russian federal nuclear centres VNIITF (Snezhinsk, October 2017) and VNIIEF (Sarov, June 2018).
The agenda of the conference includes reports and discussions on the following topics: high energy physics and the NICA project, problems in development of computational technologies, neutrino physics, neutron physics, nuclear physics and neutron physics, physics and technique of accelerators of charged particles, technique of physical experiments, applied work. Participants of the Conference will also have an excursion to the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR where they will be acquainted with the constructed accelerating complex of the NICA project.
Leading scientists and specialists of Russian scientific centres will be reporters at the conference. JINR projects will be presented by I.N. Meshkov (the NICA project), V.L. Aksenov (“Dubna fourth generation neutron source”), Yu.Ts. Oganessian (the federal project “Synthesis and properties of superheavy elements”), L.V. Grigorenko (“Intense beams of radioactive ions for research on physics of exotic nuclei”).
The meeting of the RAS section in Dubna will be concluded on 15 March.