Boris Yurievich Sharkov turns 70

Organization, 11 February 2020

On 11 February 2020, RAS Academician, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, a Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Boris Yurievich Sharkov turns 70.

B. Yu. Sharkov started his career in 1973 in the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute where he worked his way from an engineer up to senior researcher. From 1986 to 2009, Boris Yurievich worked at the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, and in 2009, he was invited to the position of the Scientific Director of the FAIR GmbH – the Faсility for Antiproton and Ion Research project, one of the largest European scientific projects.

Since 2017, B. Yu. Sharkov has worked at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research as Deputy Director of the Institute, and since 2018, he has been working as a Vice-Director of the Institute.

Boris Yurievich takes an active part in the development of the complex and strategic development programme of JINR, contributes to the increase of efficiency of the Institute’s activities in the fields of international scientific and technical cooperation, the establishment of scientific organizations with the JINR participation, international collaborations. He also purposefully and comprehensively participates in the development of the promising cooperation between the Institute and scientific centres and organizations of the JINR Member States.

B. Yu. Sharkov is a full member of the European Academy of Sciences (Akademia Europaea) and a member of the European Physical Society (EPS).

Boris Yurievich was awarded the Academician I.V. Kurchatov Badge of Honour for his success in labour by the State Corporation “Rosatom”, the medal “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow”. He was honoured to receive the V.I. Veksler Prize of RAS, the Prize of the RF Government. In the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, B. Yu. Sharkov was awarded the title “Honorary Doctor of JINR”.

The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research cordially congratulates Boris Yurievich on the jubilee! We wish him good health and further success for the benefit of Russian and world science.

Autograph of the birthday celebrant

following the issues of the JINR Weekly Newspaper

Russia at JINR: the edges of cooperation

On 8 February 1999, the Day of Russian Science was celebrated for the first time. And today, we recall an event that determined the peculiar mood of the 87th session of the JINR Scientific Council, namely the round table “Scientific and Technical Cooperation of JINR with institutes, universities and enterprises of Russia”. The issue contains citations of some speeches of the participants of the round table, namely prominent Russian scientists, heads of scientific centres cooperating with JINR.

B. Yu. Sharkov, Professor, Deputy Director of the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow:

“Nowadays, ITEP is actively developing two large-scale projects. One of them is related to electronuclear energy. JINR scientists take part in this project. Another large-scale project is the modernization of the accelerator and storage complex of ITEP. It is a truly interesting and important project, as far as ITEP modernizes its accelerator and storage complex in order to convert it to heavy-ion beams that will be not just of the record intensity but of the record power per time unit as well…In our opinion, JINR is an excellent institute that passed through the hard times of our social and financial troubles with perhaps the least possible losses compared to other large institutes. That is why it is a pleasure to me to congratulate JINR on all the achievements demonstrated now. I also want to wish the Institute new outstanding results. (11.02.2000)

Modern technological line created at JINR

Journalists of the JINR Weekly Newspaper asked the members of the Scientific Council to tell them about the brightest events in the life of scientific centres they have visited.

Boris Yurievich Sharkov, FAIR Scientific Director, Director of the “FAIR – Russia” scientific centre.

“Boris Yurievich, tell us more about the technological site for assembling, testing and certification of superconducting magnets: the volume of work, the number of people who will be employed there, what must be done for FAIR and NICA.”

“I will explain so that your readers understand: GSI is the institute constituting FAIR. FAIR is six times larger than the existing GSI. And they are being emerged into one international research centre. As for the necessities of the FAIR project, 170 quadruple superconducting magnets are needed. First, we are supposed to create 10 prototypes, and then they will be replicated. 5-6 magnets will be produced per month, and then, in the FAIR territory in Darmstadt, their assembling and binding will be organized. So the volume of work to do is the following: this year, major prototypes will be developed, and the next year, mass production and testing of these magnets will be launched. We expect to get the first 60 magnets already tested here, in Dubna, at the FAIR site in Darmstadt by 2015-2016. Such an amount of work causes a very busy schedule. Testing is carried out with the use of precision instruments. Moreover, specialists from Dubna are “world champions” in the field: their systems for testing the cross-section of the magnetic field are the most advanced, and the whole world copies them. Of course, we are all concerned about the simultaneous production of elements for NICA and FAIR. It is clear that the JINR Directorate is supposed to ensure appropriate human resources, the concentration of resources in the fields, as far as both projects must adhere to the schedule.

As a Chairman of the Accelerator Advisory Committee, I keep a close eye on what is happening in the NICA project. I often, once in two months, visit the construction site and observe changes, visible progress in the preparation of measuring and assembling stands and the infrastructure at large. I would say that the most advanced, the most modern technological chain has been created. That is why I am happy for my colleagues from Dubna and I am very optimistic about the implementation of the schedule.” (7.03.2014)

On the milestones of the first year of the Seven-year plan

JINR Vice-Directors made reports at the 124th session of the Scientific Council. B.Yu. Sharkov reported on the progress towards implementation of the Seven-year plan in the fields of condensed matter physics:

“Sessions of the Scientific Council are very important events that gather stars of the world science. They listen to our reports, share their opinion on our scientific programme and give useful advice to the JINR Directorate in the fields of the Institute’s development. It is of crucial importance as far as we calibrate our activities with the opinion of the most qualified, well-known, advanced representatives of the scientific community covering all the areas of our scientific activities.

The Directorate made the decision to hear not only the report by JINR Director but also reports in the fields that will be presented to the Scientific Council by Vice-Directors. I am responsible for condensed matter physics and radiobiology, I am supposed to report on the most important results achieved by FLNP and LRB only in 20 minutes! Moreover, about 30% of the current membership of the Scientific Council is new, so new members should get acquainted with the activities of the Institute. That is why all speakers have an important task – to give an outlook of what the laboratories are engaged in and what is being done in the frames of the Seven-year plan in 20 minutes, whether we adhere to the Plan or there are some deviations. I properly prepared the report with Directors and staff members of the laboratories, and I understood that work is in full swing, the results are very positive, an enormous enthusiasm is displayed by the Institute’s teams. That is why I am going to tell the Scientific Council that the Seven-year plan is being successfully implemented. (27.09.2018)