About organization of vaccination of JINR employees and their family members against COVID-19
Organization, 09 February 2021
Dear colleagues,
as previously reported, vaccination against COVID-19 with the “Gam-COVID-Vak = Sputnik V” is underway at the Institute. The arrival of other types of vaccines is planned for the second quarter of 2021.
The probability of infection and spread of COVID-19 among the JINR staff and citizens of the city, and thus dates of return to the normal scientific life of the Institute depend on the ratio of vaccinated employees and employees with the immunity. The JINR Directorate and the Operational Headquarters urge all employees who do not have contraindications to take part in vaccination.
For any inquiries please contact the Operation Headquarters (contact person: Larisa Yurievna Stolypina, stolypina@jinr.ru, тел. +7 (496) 216-30-49).

I. On 5 February 2021, the order “On organizing vaccination of JINR employees and their family members against COVID-19” was signed at JINR.
This Order regulates vaccination against COVID-19 at JINR in order to prevent the incidence of COVID-19 among Institute’s employees and their family members. The Order instructs the Operational Headquarters to organize vaccination jointly with heads of structural departments.
The Operational Headquarters brings to the attention of COVID-19 controllers of structural departments information acquired from medical organizations about vaccination conditions, including time, place, and the maximum number of available vaccines.
COVID-19 controllers of structural departments shall collect, process, and transfer to the Operational Headquarters information about staff members of a particular department and their family members who express wish to be vaccinated. COVID-19 controllers shall inform employees about conditions of vaccination, including time, place, and the maximum number of vaccinated people. For this purpose, COVID-19 controllers shall interact with JINR employees and their family members who expressed their intention to be vaccinated.
II. Medical Unit No.9 of FMBA of Russia has prepared a Plan for vaccinating JINR employees against COVID-19 for February 2021:
1) Employees are vaccinated in room 302 (vaccination room) of the polyclinic for adults (13, Mir str.) according to the lists submitted by the Headquarters. The schedule is the following:
2) Employees can also be vaccinated at JINR health points from 08.02.21 daily on working days in the amount of 10 people at VBLHEP site and 10 people at DLNP site. It is suggested to entrust making appointments for vaccination to heads of the health points.
JINR Operational Headquarters