Satellite school for young scientists in Kazan
Conferences, 05 September 2016
3-9 September 2016, Kazan:
Holding the satellite school “Contemporary nuclear physics and nuclear medicine” and VIII International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei on the basis of Kazan Federal University.
On 3 September, the school organized within the framework of the VIII International Symposium “Exotic Nuclei”, which in 2016 celebrates its 25th anniversary, started together with the Exhibition and the multimedia presentation covering the JINR main research directions, basic facilities and those under construction, the main projects of JINR laboratories and also opportunities for students pursuing their Master’s degree and post-graduate students to undertake internships and training courses at the JINR University Centre.
Students and post-graduates from the Kazan University were greeted by Head of the Institute of Physics at KFU S.I. Nikitin, Vice-Rector for Education D.A. Tayursky, Chairman of the Symposium Organizing Committee Yu.E. Penionzhkevich and Chairman of the School Organizing Committee S.Z. Pakuliak. On the first day, the participants attended a variety of lectures on contemporary nuclear physics and also learned about the JINR activities and research directions, namely synthesis of superheavy elements at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, experiments with exotic nuclei carried out at JINR, the mega-science project NICA – the superconducting heavy ion collider which is being constructed for the studies of baryonic matter and mysteries of creation, the neutrino programme at the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, condensed matter physics, research and experiments carried out at the IBR-2 reactor at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR and nuclear material science.
Reports on the JINR radiobiological studies and on development of accelerator and diagnostic techniques for hadron therapy are planned for the 2nd day. Moreover, at the end of the 2nd day a round table “Educational and scientific opportunities for students at JINR” will take place. The school’s programme
Right after the end of the school there will be held the International symposium on one of the most significant and dynamically developing directions of nuclear physics – the physics of exotic nuclei – “EXON 2016”.
Based on the materials by: Penionzhkevich Yu.E., Nikitin S. I. and the press office of the Kazan Federal University